what does rhubarb taste like?
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is rhubarb a fruit?
Rhubarb is often used in desserts but legally considered a fruit in the US due to its culinary uses.
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how does rhubarb taste
Raw rhubarb is edible but sour, often requiring sweetening.
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what is rhubarb good for?
Rhubarb is good for desserts, jams, and compotes due to its tart flavor and contains vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
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does rhubarb taste like strawberry?
Rhubarb doesn't taste like strawberry but pairs well with it.
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can you eat rhubarb raw?
Raw rhubarb is safe to eat in moderation but typically requires cooking.
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what is rhubarb related to?
Rhubarb is related to sorrel and buckwheat.
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