This brew one of my wellness staples. This honey ferment is easy to make ready in a couple of weeks

how to soak garlic in honey

fermentd garlic honey it is good for:

immune support

good way to enjoy food as medicine

great way to enjoy fermented foods

delicious condiment for savory dishes

Check out my mini email course on making your first garlic honey ferment

Ready to get started? Want a hand?

easiest recipe for fermenting garlic in honey

INGREDIENTS 30 garlic cloves 1 cup raw hone

Place the peele d garlic cloves in a glass jar Pour honey over the garlic to cover it up to an inch of headroom

Cover with lid and place in a cool dark spot

Check it daily, open and "burp the jar" to release any gasses that may have built up.

Over time the raw garlic flavor mellows out and the honey takes on a savory but sweet garlic flavor.

fermented cranberry honey

Next, check out he ultimate recipe guide on

Check out my mini email course on making your first garlic honey ferment

Ready to get started? Want a hand?