September is a great time to forage. The summer heat has subsided, and the fall rains have begun. This means that there are more edible plants available than ever before. It's also the perfect time to learn about foraging because you can start small with easy-to-identify plants, like dandelion greens or mushrooms, and build up your confidence over time as you get more familiar with local flora.

September is the harvest season from the garden, orchard, and wilds. From apples to mushrooms, here are some of the best seasonal foods to forage this month.
Apple picking season here! so grab your basket and head to an apple orchard or random forgotten roadside tree near you. You can also find locally grown apples at farmers' markets and farm stands.
Cranberries grow wild along coastal New England beaches — often in bogs flooded annually by the tides. If you're lucky to live near a cranberry bog, you can pick them yourself! Otherwise, find them at local farmers' markets or grocery stores during the fall months.
What to Make: Honey Fermented Cranberries
Autumn olives
Autumn olives (Elaeagnus umbellata), also known as autumn olive, silverberry and Russian olive, is a small tree or shrub that produces tiny edible berries. The berries are a good source of vitamins A and C.
Autumn olives are available from late summer to early fall. They can be enjoyed or used in jams or jellies. The inner flesh of the berry is bland and tasteless but contains many little seeds.
Wild grapes
The fruit of wild grapes looks like tiny green or purple grapes; however, they are much smaller (about the size of raisins) than cultivated grapes.
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